
in the year中文什么意思

发音:   用"in the year"造句
  • 年但有时前面有用
  • 在一年里
  • year:    n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl. ...
  • a year:    是一年
  • for year:    保留1年
  • this year:    今年,本年度
  • year:    n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl.〕年纪,年龄,岁数;〔pl.〕老年。 ★在表示岁数时, years 略去不说,如: He is five. 4.〔pl.〕多年,数年;几年;一生中的某一时期;时代。 5.〔美俚〕= here. this [last, next] year 今[去,明]年。 the next year 次年,第二年,翌年。 every year 每年。 every other year 每隔一年,每二年。 Years bring wisdom. 年岁年岁增智增慧。 an astronomical [a solar, a natural, a tropical] year 太阳年。 the common year 平年。 the [a] leap year 闰年。 the year of grace [Christ, our Lord] 公元,耶稣纪元。 the fiscal year 会计年度。 the academic [school] year 学年。 old in years but young in vigour 年纪大但精力不衰。 He is young [old] for his years. 比年龄显得年轻[显得老]。 We had not met for years. 我们好几年没见面了。 a year and a day 【法律】满一年,一整年;〔戏谑语〕长时间。 all the year round 一年到头。 for years 好几年。 from year to year = year by year. in a year's time 经过一年。 in the year one 在公历元年;很久以前。 in years 上了年纪,年纪老;〔美国〕好几年。 of late years 近年。 over the years 长年累月。 the year round 〔美国〕= all the year round. year after year 一年一年地。 year by year 年年;逐年。 year in and year out 年年;不断地,始终,老是。
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Few of us will still be alive in the year 2050 .
  2. It is too late in the year for improvements .
  3. The two families will be meeting every day in the year .
  4. She is one year younger than i am ; she was born in the year of the ox .
  5. These recorded decisions are mainly contained in the year books .


        year:    n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl. ...
        a year:    是一年
        for year:    保留1年
        this year:    今年,本年度
        year:    n. 1.年,岁;一年。 2.年度,学年。 3.〔pl.〕年纪,年龄,岁数;〔pl.〕老年。 ★在表示岁数时, years 略去不说,如: He is five. 4.〔pl.〕多年,数年;几年;一生中的某一时期;时代。 5.〔美俚〕= here. this [last, next] year 今[去,明]年。 the next year 次年,第二年,翌年。 every year 每年。 every other year 每隔一年,每二年。 Years bring wisdom. 年岁年岁增智增慧。 an astronomical [a solar, a natural, a tropical] year 太阳年。 the common year 平年。 the [a] leap year 闰年。 the year of grace [Christ, our Lord] 公元,耶稣纪元。 the fiscal year 会计年度。 the academic [school] year 学年。 old in years but young in vigour 年纪大但精力不衰。 He is young [old] for his years. 比年龄显得年轻[显得老]。 We had not met for years. 我们好几年没见面了。 a year and a day 【法律】满一年,一整年;〔戏谑语〕长时间。 all the year round 一年到头。 for years 好几年。 from year to year = year by year. in a year's time 经过一年。 in the year one 在公历元年;很久以前。 in years 上了年纪,年纪老;〔美国〕好几年。 of late years 近年。 over the years 长年累月。 the year round 〔美国〕= all the year round. year after year 一年一年地。 year by year 年年;逐年。 year in and year out 年年;不断地,始终,老是。
        year by year:    年年, 每年; 一年又一年; 逐年;每年
        year on year:    与上年数字相比的
        year to year:    一年年
        year-by-year:    年年的
        year-on-year:    年同比; 同期相比的
        year-to-year:    一年年
        a snow year a good year:    秘密难保; 三人知晓
        a snow year a rich year:    百花齐放春满园; 平静的海洋练不出熟练的水手
        academic year; school year:    学年
        business year; financial year:    会计年度;财政年度
        financial year, trading year:    财政年度
        from year to year:    岁岁年年
        happy year harvest year:    充实快乐的一年
        in the year of the tiger new year:    在虎年
        increase year after year:    逐年增加
        increase year by year:    逐年增加
        month by month and year by year:    逐年逐月
        off year; lean year:    减产年
        on year-on-year basis:    同比
        tenancy from year to year:    逐年连续的租借, 按月租借



  1. in the world to trust just an empty room 什么意思
  2. in the world; on earth 什么意思
  3. in the wrong 什么意思
  4. in the wrong box 什么意思
  5. in the yard 什么意思
  6. in the year dot 什么意思
  7. in the year of the tiger new year 什么意思
  8. in the year one 什么意思
  9. in the yearprior to the event 什么意思
  10. in the years ahead 什么意思


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